Nephrotoxicity of Hemoglobin Solutions

Nephrotoxicity is a problem of hemoglobin solutions (HbS) that still awaits full elucidation and correction. Therefore, a study was conducted using five HbS with different characteristics to replace 1/3 of blood volume in five groups of rabbits. All HbS contained bovine Hb, 6.5 g/dl, dissolved into a balanced electrolyte solution. HbS-I was Hb incompletely purified of stromatal phospholipids and environmental bacterial endotoxins, and uncrosslinked; HbS-II was pure Hb non crosslinked; HbS-III was completely purified and crosslinked; HbS-IV was like HbS-III, but with pH 8.4; and HbS-V was like HbS-III, with the addition of mannitol. The effects of blood replacement with these solutions were studied on: (a) PAH clearance (expression of renal plasma flow); (b) endogenous creatinine clearance (expression of glomerular filtration); (c) fractional excretion of sodium and (d) urine/plasma osmolarity (expressions of tubular function). Histological changes were assessed after 24 hours. Significant alterations were observed in decrescent order following the administration of HbS-I, -II and -III, while HbS-IV and -V were well tolerated. These results suggest that the nephrotoxicity of Hb solutions can be prevented by the following steps: (1) complete purification of Hb; (2) complete crosslinking; and (3) protection of the kidney by alkalinization of the urine and/or the addition of mannitol.