ππ Partial-Wave Analysis from Reactions π+pπ+πΔ++ and π+pK+KΔ++ at 7.1 GeV/c

We present results of an energy-dependent phase-shift analysis for ππ energies between 550 and 1150 MeV from reactions π+pπ+πΔ++ and π+pK+KΔ++ at 7.1 GeV/c. The I=0 s wave is parametrized in terms of a 2 × 2 M-matrix coupling ππ and KK¯ channels. All the obtained solutions rule out the possibility of a narrow ε resonance in the ρ region and are characterized by a very rapid variation of the I=0 s-wave amplitude near KK¯ threshold. We show that this rapid variation can be explained by a pole in the second Riemann sheet close to the KK¯ threshold.