Ewing's sarcoma in children: Twenty‐five years of experience at the institute portuagěs de oncologia de francisco gentil (I.P.O.F.G.)

Fifty children with Ewing's sarcoma were consecutively treated from 1962 to 1987 and retrospectively analyzed at the I.P.O.F.G. of Lisbon. At first diagnosis, 10 cases had distant metastases. The remaining 40 patients had clinically localized disease, and different protocols were followed over the years. The best results were obtained with chemotherapy and radiotherapy with or without surgery; and for these children the two‐year survival rate was 42.8% vs. 8.3% for the group of patients submitted to local treatment alone. Besides the treatment modality, other factors influenced the prognosis, such as inflammatory signs, sex, tumor volume, and tumor site as well as evidence of distant metastases.