In situ and laboratory geotechnical tests of the Pierre Shale near Hayes, South Dakota—A characterization of engineering behavior

A geotechnical investigation of the Pierre Shale near Hayes, South Dakota, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey as a basis for evaluating problems in deep excavations into that formation. The physical and mechanical properties of the shale were determined through use of core holes drilled to a maximum depth of 184 m. In situ borehole determinations included a gravimeter survey, pressuremeter testing, thermal profile measurements, and borehole velocity measurements. Onsite and offsite laboratory measurements included rebound measurements, sonic velocity measurements of shear and primary waves, X-ray mineralogy and major element determinations, size analyses, fracture analyses, fabric analyses, and determination of thermal properties.Below 15–22 m, the shale is an unweathered, saturated, overconsolidated, underpressured clay shale with a clay-mineral content ranging between 50 and 100%, dominantly composed of mixed-layer illitic smectites. The physical and mechanical properties vary widely. The variation is related to the clay mineral content (especially in bentonite zones), a large transverse mechanical anisotropy, and zones of fractures and microfractures, which may result from rebound caused by erosion. These may contribute to slope instability over large areas. The thermal and mechanical properties change markedly if the shale is permitted to dry out. The state of stress and overconsolidation appear to be functions of the depositional and erosional history of the deposit. Both are markedly affected by the large fracture zones. The properties of the clay shale indicate problems that may be encountered in excavation and use of deep underground facilities. Key words: anisotropy, characterization, clay shale, consolidation state, physical properties, rebound, relaxation, stress state, thermal properties.

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