Urea and ammonium nitrate were applied at rates of 75, 150 and 300 kg N/ha as either a single application in April or split into three equal increments, one applied in April and the second and third following cuts one and two. The orchardgrass-perennial ryegrass sward responded significantly to applied N in each year; however, the yield produced by the two sources differed in only one of the three years. In that year split applied ammonium nitrate gave 8% higher yields than similarly applied urea. The sources were found to be equivalent when applied in the spring. Split application of the N rates increased total annual dry matter yields in one of the three years regardless of N source. In all three years split application of N shifted forage production from cut one to cuts two and three. Key words: N uptake, split N application, orchardgrass-perennial ryegrass sward