Lifetime of the First Excited State ofP32

The mean life of the first excited state of P32(77 keV, 2+) has been measured to be (5.2+0.90.51010sec. The state was formed by the P31(d,p)P32 reaction. The time differences between the detection of a proton in a solid-state detector and a 77-keV γ ray in a NaI (Tl) crystal were measured. The prompt time distribution was obtained in a similar way using the transition between the second and first excited states of Na24 excited by the Na23(d,p)Na24 reaction. The data were analyzed using the third-moment method. An upper limit of 5×1010 sec was obtained for the mean life of the second excited state of Na24. The result obtained for P32 indicates that pure jj coupling is not an adequate description for the two lowest states in this nucleus.