A new method, employing the mild oxidant n-bromosuccinimide, for the iodination of proteins for radioimmunoassay is described. Human prolactin, follicle-stimulating, luteinising, thyroid-stimulating, and growth hormones were iodinated with 125I by this method to specific activities up to 136 μCi/μg. Incorporation of iodine ranged from 67% to 83% using 2μg hormone, 200 μCi Na125I, 0·5 nmol oxidant, and a reaction time of 15s. In comparative studies, the immunological activity after iodination by this method was equal to, or greater than, that by the chlorine gas, Iodo-Gen, or chloramine-T methods. The reagent is cheap and stable, and the method permits efficient use of antigen and iodide.