Colchicine treatment in a case of pachydermoperiostosis with acroosteolysis

We report a case of pachydermoperiostosis with arthralgia, acroosteolysis, and recurrent staphilococcal folliculitis of the face, treated with colchicine (0.5 mg once daily for the 1st week and 0.5 mg twice daily for the next 3 weeks). The evaluation of arthralgia, hyponchial angle, folliculitis, and pachyderma, performed at basal time and once weekly, showed improvement of symptoms and signs after 7–15 days of treatment. Neutrophilic chemotaxis, evaluated before starting the treatment and after 15 and 30 days of therapy, showed a progressive decrease of the initial very high index. Colchicine provided a beneficial therapeutic response in both inhibiting increased chemotactic activity and in reducing tissular oedema in our patient.