Ultrastructure of osmoregulatory organs in larvae of the brackish‐water mosquito, Culiseta inornata (Williston)

The ultrastructure of the Malpighian tubules, ileum, rectum, anal canal, and anal papillae of larvae of the mosquito Culiseta inornata was examined. The Malpighian tubules, rectum, and anal papillae have many of the ultrastructural features characteristic of ion transport tissues, i.e., elaboration of the basal and apical membranes and a close association of these membranes with mitochondria. The Malpighian tubules possess two cell types, primary and stellate. The larval rectum of C. inornata is composed of a single segment containing a homogenous population of cells. In this respect, the larval rectum of C. inornata is distinct from that of saline-water species of Aedes. The cells in the larval rectum of C. inornata, however, closely resemble those of one cell type, the anterior rectal cells, of the saline-water mosquito Aedes campestris with regard to cell and nuclear size, the percentage of the cell occupied by apical folds, and mitochondrial density and distribution. No similarities can be found between the rectum of C. inornata and the posterior segment of the saline-water Aedes, which functions as a salt gland. On this basis, we have postulated that the rectum of C. inornata does not function as a site of hyperosmotic fluid secretion. The ultrastructure of the anal papillae of C. inornata is consistent with a role in ion transport. The significance of these findings to comparative aspects of osmoregulatory strategies in mosquito larvae is discussed.