Lifetime measurements of individual hyperfine levels using localized Doppler tuning in laser excitation of fast ions

Lifetimes of each hyperfine level of the 6p P5/24 state of singly charged Xe129 and Xe131 have been measured using laser excitation of a fast-ion beam. The collinear laser- and ion-beam arrangement was used to achieve high spectral resolution, and transitions to each hyperfine level were locally Doppler tuned into resonance between a pair of post-accelerating electrodes. Decay to the 6s4 P5/2 state was observed through a monochromator immediately after the post-acceleration field, and cascade-free lifetimes were then determined by mechanically varying the distance between the excitation and observation points. Depletion of close-lying hyperfine levels prior to the excitation region was necessary in Xe131 to sufficiently isolate transitions for these measurements. These results form the first set of lifetime measurements for each hyperfine level within a particular J state of an atomic ion. Although no variation in lifetime with F quantum number was detected outside of the determined error bars, application to studies of hyperfine-induced mixing is discussed.