Free Amino Acid Pools and Enzymes in Teratonia and Habituated Tobaceo Tissue Cultures

The free amino acid content of habituated (normal) and teratoma (abnormal) tobacco tissue cultured on white's medium were compared. Significant qualitative differences (twofold or more) were observed for serine, proline, alanine, leucine, phenylalanine, and lysine. There were qualitative differences in several unidentified ninhydrin sensitive compounds. One unknown which co-chromatographed with homo-serine was present in high concentrations (9.96 μmol/g dry weight) in habituated but was lacking in teratoma tissue, Isoenzymes of an esterase, acid phosphatase, and oxidase were demonstrated in both tissues. The distinct differences in the isoenzyme pattern of acid phosphatase suggests a differential regulatory capacity of certain phosphomonoester intermediates and P(1) . The invertase activity was higher in habituated tissue, implying a greater capacity to utilize the sole carbon source, socrose.