COARCTATION of the abdominal aorta is a distinctly rare entity. A search through the literature, both old and recent,1 has revealed only two cases, one reported by Steele1d and one by Wang.2 In both these cases a typical, chronic hypertensive picture was present. In the case reported by Steele there were wide fluctuations of pressure, depending in part on the state of nervous tension of the patient; however, the pressure never dropped below 200/160.3 Death resulted from cerebral accident in the first instance and from congestive failure in the second. The following case presents a number of significant features which differ greatly, both clinically and theoretically, from those in the previously reported studies. REPORT OF CASE Mrs. N. H., a 45-year-old Palestinian woman, was referred to one of us (M. A. G.) by Dr. H. Zondek, with the clinical diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. The family history revealed