Influence of Diuresis on the Degree of Vesicoureteral Reflux

The influence of bladder filling volume (BV), bladder pressure (BP) and diuresis (V) on the occurrence of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in Sprague-Dawley rats, where spontaneous VUR is common, was investigated. The BV and BP at which VUR occurred during constant low diuresis (group I), high inconstant diuresis (group II) and moderately high, constant diuresis (group III), was measured. The abdomen was opened for visual observation of the VUR. The bladder was catheterized with a double-lumen metal catheter for infusion of a Lissamine green saline solution and to enable recording of BP. VUR occurred at significantly lower BV in group II than in group I and at significantly lower BV and BP in group I than in group III.