Periodic Intensity Fluctuations of Balmer Lines from Single-Foil Excited Fast Hydrogen Atoms

Protons with velocities ranging from 3.2 × 108 to 6.3 × 108 cm/sec were passed through a carbon foil producing excited hydrogen atoms which decayed in flight after emergence. With the foil in magnetic fields from 2 to 25 G, the lines Hα through Hε showed periodic intensity fluctuations due to Stark mixings of fine-structure levels caused by motional electric fields (6-158 V/cm). An extension of the Bethe-Lamb theory of Stark quenching provides good agreement between a small number of theoretically dominant frequencies and the measured fluctuation frequencies. Apparent discrepancies between theory and experiment noted by other experimenters are shown to be removed by our calculations except in one measurement on Lyα. The necessity of using double foils postulated in the previous work is discussed. Our analysis suggests the preferential alignment of the final-state angular momenta perpendicular to the beam direction. Reasons for this alignment are given.