Magnetic behavior of the diluted magnetic semiconductor (Zn1−xMnx)3As2

(Zn1x Mnx )3 As2, abbreviated as ZMA, can be considered as a new member of the group of diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS). Susceptibility and specific-heat measurements indicate a spin-glass transition for concentrations 0.005<x<0.14. The freezing temperature Tf depends on x as Tfx1.5, originating from a long-range interaction J between magnetic ions J(R)∼R4.5. High-field magnetization and high-temperature susceptibility measurements yield evidence for an overall antiferromagnetic interaction, a strong antiferromagnetic coupling of nearest-neighbor Mn pairs, and a reduced (20%) local moment of the Mn ions. Calculations of M, χ, and Cm with an extended nearest-neighbor pair-correlation approximation will be reported. A satisfactory, simultaneous description of the data can be obtained, providing the long-range character of the exchange is properly taken into account. The results will be compared with other DMS and recently prepared quaternary alloys of (Cd1yx Zny Mnx )3 As2. Possible mechanisms for the interaction will be discussed.