Immunological evidence of chemotherapeutic action of mebendazole againstAncylostoma ceylanicum(Looss, 1911) in hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus)

The immunological responses in hamsters during treatment with mebendazole againstAncylostoma ceylanicumare studied. Indirect haemagglutination (IHA) counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIEP), passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA), foot pad swelling for immediate (ITH) and delayed (DTH) types of hypersensitivities were employed for measuring the responses. Serum antibody which was 1:32 before treatment increased to the maximim of 1:512 (control 1:128) on the 10th day and it declined subsequently. The CIEP test was positive for 10 days and then became negative. The PCA test was positive throughout the observation period both in the treated and untreated groups. Foot pad swelling for ITH and DTH responses were comparatively more prominent than in the untreated control up to the 20th day and then both decreased simultaneously. The immunological responses remained prominent for a longer period and decreased more slowly in the untreated control group.