Electromagnetic scattering calculations on the Intel Touchstone Delta

During the first year's operation of the Intel Touchstone Delta system, software which solves the electric field integral equations for fields scattered from arbitrarily shaped objects has been transferred to the Delta. To fully realize the Delta's resources, an out-of-core dense matrix solution algorithm that utilizes some or all of the 90 Gbyte of concurrent file system (CFS) has been used. The largest calculation completed to date computes the fields scattered from a perfectly conducting sphere modeled by 48672 unknown functions, resulting in a complex valued dense matrix needing 37.9 Gbyte of storage. The out-of-core LU matrix factorization algorithm was executed in 8.25 h at a rate of 10.35 Gflops. Total time to complete the calculation was 19.7 h-the additional time was used to compute the 48672*48672 matrix entries, solve the system for a given excitation, and compute observable quantities. The calculation was performed in 64-b precision.<>