Retinal detachment is one of the most serious sequelae to cataract surgery. Though difficult to determine accurately, the incidence of retinal detachment in aphakia has been estimated to be 1% to 3% of all cataract extractions.1,2 Until recently it was popularly believed that aphakic detachments had a much poorer prognosis than phakic detachments, a belief possibly due to the difficulty in finding the small breaks which are more common in aphakic cases. However, with indirect ophthalmoscopy, scleral depression, and better surgical techniques, aphakic detachments may now be expected to have virtually as high a percentage of reattachment as phakic detachments.3 The purpose of this paper is to describe the management of aphakic retinal detachment in patients with a Ridley implant, an acrylic lens which is inserted posterior to the iris after planned extracapsular cataract extraction. Although Ridley lenses have been largely discontinued, we have had occasion to treat