Intrathecal synthesis of different alpha-interferons in patients with various neurological diseases

CSF and sera from 238 newborns and children with various neurological diseases were assayed on bovine cells for the presence of .alpha.-interferon (IFN). An intrathecal synthesis of pH 2-resistant .alpha.-IFN was recovered in all newborns and in more than 90% of children with herpes encephalitis. It was also observed in 1 case of mumps encephalitis and in 1 case of encephalitis associated with influena A infection. An acid-labile .alpha.-IFN production was detected in CSF from more than 1/2 of patients with viral meningitis or active congenital rubella andin those with neurological complications of systemic lupus erythematosus. This .alpha.-IFN subtype ws also detected in CSF from only 2/37 children with measles encephalitis. In contrast, no .alpha.-IFN (< 2 IU) in CSF was found among patients with subcute sclerosing panencephalitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Reye''s syndrome, acute cerebellar ataxia, infantile spasms or facial paralysis of unknown origin.