Detection of pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica in environmental waters by PCR

The isolation of pathogenic strains of Yersinia enterocolitica from food and water samples by culture is time-consuming and unreliable. A two-step PCR procedure has been developed which, after a period of bacterial enrichment, can detect and confirm the presence of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica within a single day. This PCR method works effectively for a range of environmental water types, including reticulated waters, reservoirs and creeks. A survey of environmental waters in Victoria, Australia, showed that the PCR method detected pathogenic Y. enterocolitica in water sampled from four separate sites (two creeks and two reservoirs). Repeat samplings of the two reservoirs yielded PCR-positive results on all but one occasion. Culture analysis of the same samples detected pathogenic Y. enterocolitica in only one sample, indicating that the PCR can detect pathogenic Y. enterocolitica which are undetectable by culture. Results from this study confirm that potentially pathogenic strains of Y. enterocolitica can exist in environmental waters.