Mapping of cysteine genes on the chromosome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO

Three loci coding for different steps in the pathway of cysteine biosynthesis have been mapped by R68.45-mediated coconjugation analysis. The cysteine auxotrophic mutants could be subdivided into sulfite and sulfide-requiring mutants. Sulfide-requiring mutants (cysIV group) were localized at a single position between pyrF and pur-67, while sulfite-requiring mutants (cysI and cysII) mapped at two different regions. The cysI group was also localized between pyrF and pur-67, although more distal to pyrF than the cysIV group. This group included the cys-54 marker, which has been mapped previously. The second group of sulfite-requiring mutants, designated as cysII, was cotransducible with hisI and localized at the end of the PAO chromosomal map. This location was also confirmed for the marker cys-59. The marker cys-59 (which was cotransducible with his1) was cotransferred by R68.45-mediated conjugations with both the late marker pur-67 and the early marker ilv-226. As the late marker hisI was positioned at about 60–65 min (Herrmann and Günther, in press) the length of the PAO chromosome was estimated to be about 70 min.