Immunophenotypic Identification of Sezary Cells in Peripheral Blood

Despite anecdotal literature that Sezary cells express the CD4+ CD7− immunophenotype, no formal validation has been published establishing the use of this immunophenotype for clinical or experimental purposes. Consequently, the only method presently available for Sezary cell identification is nuclear contour analysis, a labor-intensive procedure not generally available at most major medical centers. In this study, the accuracy of CD4+ CD7− subset quantitation for the identification of Sezary cells was examined. The study found that the percentage of CD4+ CD7− cells is elevated in many Sezary syndrome/MF patients relative to normal, healthy individuals. In addition, CD4+ CD7– enumeration correlates with enumeration by nuclear contour analysis in most patients (11 of 15) with elevated CD4/CD8 ratios. The CD4+ CD7− subset also correlates with the expression of other aberrant immunophenotypes, such as CD3low or CD4low. Lastly, CD4+ CD7− subset quantitation correlates with the number of clonal T lymphocytes, as measured using Vβ-specific T-cell receptor monoclonal antibodies. The study found this method to be exceptionally accurate, with two caveats: (1) the absence of an expanded CD4+ CD7— subset in patients with a normal CD4/CD8 ratio is uninformative; and (2) in approximately 25% of patients with an elevated CD4/CD8 ratio, the Sezary cells are CD7+.

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