A rapid, economical, and reliable liquid chromatographic (LC) method is described for determination of aflatoxin M, in milk. The method includes an improved AOAC extraction procedure, cleanup of the extract on a silica cartridge, and LC quantitation. Alternatively, a rapid column cleanup procedure can be used. Milk artificially spiked with aflatoxin M1 at 0.05, 0.1, and 0.5 ppb was analyzed using both new approaches as well as an AOAC method coupled with LC for quantitation of the toxin. Recovery of aflatoxin M1 by the first approach of the new method ranged between 93.4 and 99.1%, and for the alternative procedure between 92.4 and 96.8%. The AOAC method gave lower recovery (85.6-90.7%) of toxin, but the results from this method had a somewhat smaller standard deviation for replicate analyses than did results of the new method.