The Response of the New Hypersensitive Thermoluminescence Materials to High Energy Photons (0.6-6.0 MeV)

The energy dependence of two types of LiF:Mg,Cu,P (GR-200A from China, MCP-N from Poland) and one type of a-Al2O3:C from Russia has been studied in the range 0.6-6.0 MeV. For completion, standard LiF:Mg,Ti (TLD-100 from USA) was also tested with the same methods. All the irradiations were carried out in Metrological Facilities in Spain (CIEMAT) and Germany (PTB). A build-up experiment was performed using different thicknesses of PMMA placed at the front and back of detectors. Corrections from photon attenuation, build-up factor and dose enhancement have been calculated and compared for further discussion. The results for the hypersensitive phosphors show an agreement within 5% when the 6-7 MeV photon response is compared with the standard 137Cs calibration, while an under-response of 10% is observed for TLD-100.

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