Binding of the plant lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to [human] erythrocyte membranes causes membrane rigidification. The effects of WGA binding on membrane rigidity were directly measured and reigidification was related to the kinetics and levels of WGA binding. The strength of adhesion and mechanics of cell separation for erythrocytes bound together by WGA was measured. The erythrocyte membrane rigidity was measured on single cells by micropipette aspiration. The slope of the suction pressure-length data for entry into the pipette provided the measure of the membrane extensional modulus. Data were collected for cells equilibrated with WGA solutions in the range of concentrations of 0.01-10 .mu.g/ml. Erythrocyte-erythrocyte adherence properties were studied by micropipette separation of 2-cell aggregates. First, a test cell was selected from a WGA solution by aspiration into a small micropipette, then transferred to a separate chamber that contained erythrocytes in WGA-free buffer. Here, a 2nd cell was aspirated with another pipette and maneuvered into close proximity of the test cell surface, and adhesive contact was produced. The flaccid cell was separated from the test cell surface in steps at which the force of attachment was derived from the pipette suction pressure and cell geometry. The time-dependent binding and release of fluorescently labeled WGA to single erythrocytes was measured with a laser microfluorometry system. The stiffening of the erythrocyte membrane and binding of fluorescently labled WGA to the membrane surface followed the same concentration and time dependencies. The threshold concentration for membrane stiffening was at .apprx. 0.1 .mu.g/ml where the time course to reach equilibrium was close to 1 h. The maximal stiffening (almost 30-fold over the normal membrane elastic modulus) occurred in concentrations > 2 .mu.g/ml where the time to reach equilibrium took < 1 min. The WGA binding also altered the normal elastic membrane behavior into an inelastic, plastic-like response which indicated that mechanical extension of the membrane caused an increase in cross-linking within the surface plane. Similar to the stiffening effect, the membrane adhesivity of cells equilibrated with WGA solutions greatly increased with concentration > 0.1 .mu.g/ml. The work of separation for unit change in area of the adhesive contact correlated well with a parameter that represented accumulation of WGA cross-bridges as the cells were separated. Values as large as 1 erg/cm2 were measured for the work required to separate adherent cells/U change in contact area for cells equilibrated with 0.4 .mu.g/ml WGA.