Kinetic Energy Release in 23-MeV Deuteron Fission ofU238

Average recoil ranges have been measured for six fission products formed by reactions of 23-MeV H2 with U238. The ranges of products from near-symmetric fission (Cd115 and Ag111) are longer than for neutron fission of U235, while the ranges of asymmetric products (I131, Ba140, Mo99, and Sr89) are shorter. The kinetic-energy deficit for near-symmetry fission is 15±6 MeV smaller for this system than for thermal-neutron fission of U235. The magnitude of the kinetic-energy deficit for U236 fission is re-examined by comparing range data with recent time-of-flight measurements and neutron emission probabilities. This comparison leads to a kinetic-energy deficit of approximately 23 MeV for U236 fission.