Completeness of Wilson loop functionals on the moduli space of $SL(2,C)$ and $SU(1,1)$-connections

The structure of the moduli spaces $\M := \A/\G$ of (all, not just flat) $SL(2,C)$ and $SU(1,1)$ connections on a n-manifold is analysed. For any topology on the corresponding spaces $\A$ of all connections which satisfies the weak requirement of compatibility with the affine structure of $\A$, the moduli space $\M$ is shown to be non-Hausdorff. It is then shown that the Wilson loop functionals --i.e., the traces of holonomies of connections around closed loops-- are complete in the sense that they suffice to separate all separable points of $\M$. The methods are general enough to allow the underlying n-manifold to be topologically non-trivial and for connections to be defined on non-trivial bundles. The results have implications for canonical quantum general relativity in 4 and 3 dimensions.

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