X‐ray images are often used to guide minimally invasive procedures in interventional radiology. The use of a preoperatively obtained 3D volume can enhance the visualization needed for guiding catheters and other surgical devices. However, for intraoperative usefulness, the 3D dataset needs to be registered to the 2D x‐ray images of the patient. We investigated the effect of targeting subvolumes of interest in the 3D datasets and registering the projections with C‐arm x‐ray images. We developed an intensity‐based 2D/3D rigid‐body registration using a Monte Carlo‐based hybrid algorithm as the optimizer, using a single view for registration. Pattern intensity (PI) and mutual information (MI) were two metrics tested. We used normalization of the rays to address the problems due to truncation in 3D necessary for targeting. We tested the algorithm on a C‐arm x‐ray image of a pig's head and a 3D dataset reconstructed from multiple views of the C‐arm. PI and MI were comparable in performance. For two subvolumes starting with a set of initial poses from in , from (random), in and and deg in the three angles, the robustness was 94% for PI and 91% for MI, with accuracy of (PI) and (MI), using the hybrid algorithm. The hybrid optimizer, when compared with a standard Powell's direction set method, increased the robustness from 59% (Powell) to 94% (hybrid). Another set of 50 random initial conditions from in and deg in the three angles, yielded robustness of 84% (hybrid) versus 38% (Powell) using PI as metric, with accuracies (hybrid) versus (Powell).
Funding Information
  • National Institutes of Health (R01 EB003524)