Urethane, administered intraperit. in sub-anesthetic dose, 0.75 mg./g. of body wt./day in leukemic mice transplanted with leukemic cells of the 32nd-34th transfer generations of an acute lymphoid leukemia (line L825 in the C58 strain of mice) produces the following palliative effects: (1) Blood leukocytes are maintained at leukopenic levels; (2) immature lymphoblasts are maintained at significantly lower levels than control leukemics and in some cases disappear entirely from the peripheral blood; (3) Hb levels are maintained at higher levels; (4) local subcutaneous growth of the tumor mass is retarded and the massive and diffuse infiltration of leukemic cells into thymus, lymph nodes, and spleen is prevented; (5) a statistically significant greater life expectancy in urethane-treated leukemics is obtained.