Mechanism of estrogen receptor-dependent transcription in a cell-free system.

RNA synthesis was stimulated directly in a cell-free expression system by crude preparations of recombinant mouse estrogen receptor (ER). Receptor-stimulated transcription required the presence of estrogen response elements (EREs) in the test template and could be specifically inhibited by addition of competitor oligonucleotides containing EREs. Moreover, polyclonal antibodies directed against the DNA-binding region of ER inhibited ER-dependent transcription. In our cell-free expression system, hormone-free ER induced transcription in a hormone-independent manner. Evidence is presented suggesting that ER acts by facilitating the formation of a stable preinitiation complex at the target gene promoter and thus augments the initiation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. These observations lend support to our current understanding of the mechanism of steroid receptor-regulated gene expression and suggest strong conservation of function among members of the steroid receptor superfamily.