Ranges and Range Straggling ofTb149, At, and Po

We report on ranges and range straggling of recoils from nuclear reactions induced by the ions C12, N14, O16, O18, and Ne22 with kinetic energies of 10 Mev per nucleon and less. Range-energy curves were obtained for Tb149 (recoil energies of 4 to 29 Mev) in Al, for At and Po (4 to 15 Mev) in Al, and for At and Po (4 to 9 Mev) in Au. Ranges of Tb149 at the threshold of each reaction were obtained by extrapolation. The agreement of these and the directly measured values supports the assumption of compound-nucleus formation used in calculating the recoil energies. The smaller recoil velocities in this study are of the same order as the Bohr velocity (2.2×108 cm/sec). The values of the average range and the straggling parameter are compared with stopping theory. The contribution to the measured range straggling from the nuclear reaction is discussed. Our results and the work of others are used to obtain values of the range for Xe139 in Al from 0.1 to 70 Mev and for At203 in Au from 0.01 to 10 Mev.