Erratum: Two-loop renormalization constants and high-energy 2→2 scattering amplitudes in the Higgs sector of the standard model [Phys. Rev. D48, 1061 (1993)]

We calculate the complete matrix of two-body scattering amplitudes for the scattering of longitudinally polarized gauge bosons $W_L^\pm$, $Z_L$ and Higgs bosons to two loops in the high-energy, heavy-Higgs limit $\sqrt{s}\gg M_H\gg M_W$. Use of the Goldstone boson equivalence theorem reduces the problem to one involving only the scalar fields $w^\pm$, $z$ (the Goldstone bosons of the original theory) and the Higgs boson. Renormalization of the scattering amplitudes requires the calculation of the self-energy functions $\Pi _i^0(M_i^2)$, the renormalization constants $Z_i$, and the bare quartic Higgs coupling $\lambda _0$ to two loops. The results will be useful in other calculations. To facilitate the calculations, we introduce a powerful new technique for evaluating integrals over Feynman parameters in dimensional regularization which is based on a Barnes' type representation of the binomial expansion. We also collect some useful integrals which extend the tables given by Devoto and Duke

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