The following measurements were made on the forearm at various levels and depths skin temp. by Cu-constantan thermocouples and Hardy radiometer; arterial blood temp. by thermocouples built into 24-gauge hypodermic needles which were inserted through 19-gauge needles; and tissue temp. by wire thermocouples passed to measured depths by means of a special needle and wire-controller. The cutaneous topography of temp. in the arm was detd. under normal conditions and during venous and arterial occlusion. Simultaneous rectal, brachial arterial blood and deep forearm temps. were measured. Under the conditions of these expts. (room temp. 25-27 C, rel. humidity 45-74%) the blood flow acted as a warming agent to all the forearm tissue between skin and axis of the limb. Steady-state tissue temp.-depth distributions were detd. and analyzed by an application of the analytic theory of heat flow in homogeneous isotropic conductors, to evaluate the effects of local heat production and of circulation.

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