Observation of a Resonancelike Structure in theπ+ψMass Distribution in ExclusiveBKπ+ψDecays

A distinct peak is observed in the π±ψ invariant mass distribution near 4.43 GeV in BKπ±ψ decays. A fit using a Breit-Wigner resonance shape yields a peak mass and width of M=4433±4(stat)±2(syst)MeV and Γ=4513+18(stat)13+30(syst)MeV. The product branching fraction is determined to be B(B0KZ±(4430))×B(Z±(4430)π±ψ)=(4.1±1.0(stat)±1.4(syst))×105, where Z±(4430) is used to denote the observed structure. The statistical significance of the observed peak is 6.5σ. These results are obtained from a 605fb1 data sample that contains 657×106 BB¯ pairs collected near the Υ(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric energy e+e collider.