An Observational Study of the Relationship between Excessively Strong Short Rains in Coastal East Africa and Indian Ocean SST

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Composites of SST, wind, rainfall, and humidity have been constructed for years of high rainfall during September, October, and November (SON) in equatorial and southern-central East Africa. These show that extreme East African short rains are associated with large-scale SST anomalies in the Indian Ocean that closely resemble those that develop during Indian Ocean dipole or zonal mode (IOZM) events. This is corroborated by the observation that strong IOZM events produce enhanced East African rainfall. However, it is also shown that the relationship between the IOZM and East African rainfall is nonlinear, with only IOZM events that reverse the zonal SST gradient for several months (extreme events) triggering high rainfall. Comparison of the wind anomalies that develop during extreme IOZM events with those that develop during weaker (moderate) events shows that strong easterly anomalies in the northern-central Indian Ocean are a persistent feature of extreme, but not of moderate, IOZM years. It is ... Abstract Composites of SST, wind, rainfall, and humidity have been constructed for years of high rainfall during September, October, and November (SON) in equatorial and southern-central East Africa. These show that extreme East African short rains are associated with large-scale SST anomalies in the Indian Ocean that closely resemble those that develop during Indian Ocean dipole or zonal mode (IOZM) events. This is corroborated by the observation that strong IOZM events produce enhanced East African rainfall. However, it is also shown that the relationship between the IOZM and East African rainfall is nonlinear, with only IOZM events that reverse the zonal SST gradient for several months (extreme events) triggering high rainfall. Comparison of the wind anomalies that develop during extreme IOZM events with those that develop during weaker (moderate) events shows that strong easterly anomalies in the northern-central Indian Ocean are a persistent feature of extreme, but not of moderate, IOZM years. It is ...