Behavioral and electroencephalographic correlates of 40-Hz EEG biofeedback training in humans

Two groups of eight adults successfully trained with biofeedback for increases in 40-Hz EEG responses in left or right hemispheres also demonstrated significant 40-Hz EEG increases during baseline periods, and increases in the contralateral hemisphere during training periods. No changes in heart rate, 40-Hz EMG, or 21- to 31-Hz beta, alpha, or theta EEG occurred over training days. Three subjects returning for additional training demonstrated suppression of 40-Hz EEG. A group of four subjects experiencing daily bidirectional training produced substantial within-session control of 40-Hz EEG but no changes over days. Data from posttraining tests without feedback for successful subjects in both groups indicated significant control of 40-Hz EEG responses in the initial parts of these sessions, and some correlated changes in other EEG responses. Measures of successful subjects' experiences during training and control tests indicated awareness of changes in subjective concomitants of EEG responses. This study suggests further strategies for research on behavioral correlates of EEG activity.