Ridge Preservation Utilizing an Acellular Dermal Allograft and Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft: Part II. Immediate Endosseous Implant Placement

When maxillary anterior teeth are extracted, subsequent ridge collapse can significantly compromise esthetics. Preservation of an adequate volume of bone is vital to successful implant placement. Ridge preservation achieved utilizing an acellular dermal matrix as a barrier membrane with a demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft has been previously reported. In this case presentation, guided bone regeneration was achieved around an immediate endosseous implant when this same technique was used. As in the previous case reports, this technique demonstrated an acceptable esthetic result with virtually no loss of ridge height or width. Soft tissue dimensions were also preserved. Both the hard and soft tissue grafts were well accepted by the body and healing was rapid and without significant discomfort. This surgical technique provides the clinician with an option to provide immediate implant therapy when primary closure cannot be achieved.