Transport properties in amorphous Ux-T1−x films (T=Fe, Ni, Gd, Tb, and Yb) (invited)

We describe the competing magnetic, localization, and phonon effects on the transport properties of amorphous magnetic UxT1−x films, with T=Fe, Ni, Gd, Tb, and Yb. Amorphous UxFe1−x films change from collinear to random ferromagnetism as x increases, and the temperature dependence of the resistivity denotes the competing effects of spin‐flip and non‐spin‐flip exchange scattering processes. The resistivity has a minimum at Tf rising sharply below this temperature. The sign of the magnetic resistivity and the magnetoresistance indicates 〈Si ⋅Sj 〉>0, while the anisotropic magnetoresistance indicates a local exchange gap. Amorphous UxGd1−x and a‐UxTb1−x are, respectively, spin glasses and random anisotropy dominated systems. The resistivity increases smoothly through Tf and has a slight upturn at low temperatures that we associate with <named-content xmlns:mml=""...