Seasonal Activity and Response of the Male Black Cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Virgin Females Reared for One or Multigenerations in the Laboratory 1

Several field trials were conducted in likely activity sites in Iowa to determine how chronological age and laboratory propagation affect the ability of black cutworm (BCW), Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), females to attract male BCW moths. The effects of seasonality also were studied. In 1978, initial experiments were conducted to ascertain the factors that might contribute to variability in trap catches. Trap location and night of capture were identified as highly variable factors. In experiments conducted from 6 July to 13 July 1978, there were no significant differences in the attractancy of BCW female moths reared for one or multigenerations in the laboratory. In 1979, only the seasonal trends in reproductive behavior for 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8-d-old virgin female BCW were analyzed. In general, neither 4- nor 6-d-old virgin female BCW were significantly more attractive at any time during the year; however, a trend favoring the attractancy of older females (up to 6 d) early in the season seems evident. A reduction in sexual responsiveness of male BCW was noted during late July and early August in Iowa.