Glutamic Acid Concentration in Human Semen - its Origin and Significance*

Glutamic acid content of semen was determined photometrically in over 400 semen specimens. Glutamatic acid content was found to increase proportionately to temperature in the first few hours post ejaculation. The glutamate estimation should therefore be performed on semen at 30 min. after ejaculation. The frequency distribution of glutamic acid concentration with 400 unselected specimens, 50 "normozoospermias" as well as 42 azoospermias is shown. The mean value of normozoospermias was 10.6 mg% (+/- 4.6 mg%) that of azoospermias 7.7 mg% (+/- 4.7 mg%). There was no correlation found between glutamic acid content and pH value. A correlation however, was demonstrated between glutamic acid and following: sperm count, citrate concentration, gamma-GT and carnitine. No correlation to fructose content was detectable. That suggests that glutamate gets to the ejaculate with the secretions from the prostate gland and epididymis whereas the seminal vesicles do not play a role in the level in the total semen.

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