Magnetic Phase Transition in NixCo(1-x)Cl2·6H2O

Magnetic phase transition in the solid solution of two antiferromagnets, CoCl 2 ·6H 2 O and NiCl 2 ·6H 2 O, was studied by measurements of specific heat and magnetic susceptibility. The dependence of the Néel temperature T N ( x ) on concentration x was obtained. Near x =0.50, a dip was found on T N ( x )- x curve. In the specific heat curve, the width of peak at the half value of its height was wider in the solid solution than in each pure salt. The specific heats diverged logarithmically at the Néel point in the whole range of concentration giving the critical exponent α'( x )=0. The slope of the logarithmical divergence and the temperature region ε (=1- T / T N ( x )) in which the relation of logarithmical divergence α'( x )=0 holds are discussed.

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