Electrical Characterization of Lateral P-N Junctions Grown on (111)A GaAs Nonplanar Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Electrical characteristics of lateral p-n junctions grown on (111)A GaAs nonplanar substrates by molecular beam epitaxy are investigated. According to current-voltage and capacitance-voltage measurements, it is clarified that uniformly Si-doped lateral p-n junctions have graded doping profiles at the intersection between the (111)A flat plane and (311)A side slope, and the lateral p-n interface becomes steeper with decreasing growth temperature. In the δ-doped lateral p-n junction, negative resistance is observed in the current-voltage characteristics. Assuming it is due to interband tunneling, we consider that the δ-doped lateral p-n junction has a steeper interface than the uniformly doped lateral p-n junctions. These junction characteristics are discussed in relation to the surface migration of Ga adatoms.