The DNA sequences of the early region 3 (E3) and fibre protein genes of bovine adenovirus type 3 (BAd3) have been determined and the amino acid sequences predicted to be encoded by their open reading frames (ORFs) compared to those of the fibre and E3 proteins from other Ads. One of the BAd3-E3 proteins contains a region homologous to the 14.7K E3 protein of human Ad5 (HAd5). The putative BAd3 fibre protein contains a number of regions homologous to the HAd2 fibre protein sequence, but is predicted to be 244 amino acids longer owing to an increase in the number of repeating structural motifs of hydrophobic amino acid residues in the shaft region. Sequences to the left of the BAd3-E3 gene region contained the 3' end of another ORF with extensive identity with the hexon-associated protein precursor (pVIII) of HAd2. Like mouse Ad1 and canine Ad1, the BAd3 E3 gene is approximately 1.5 kb, about half the size of the E3 region of HAd2 and HAd5.