Autoregulation of Hepatic Circulation

The pressure-flow relations were studied in both the hepatic artery and the portal vein system in the isolated dog liver, perfused with homologous blood by a pump oxygenator. The interaction of both vascular systems was also studied. The hepatic artery flow (HAF) was increased proportionately less than the rise in the hepatic artery pressure (HAP) within a range of approximately 80-160 mmHg. The portal vein flow (PVF) was increased proportionately or more than the rise in the portal vein pressure (PVP). Autoregulation in blood flow was present in the hepatic artery system but was absent in the portal vein system. An increased HAP produced a slight increase in vascular resistance in the portal vein system, while an increase in PVP had little effect on resistance in the hepatic artery system.