Diagnostik bor vara mer an ren klassifikation. Den skall hjalpa oss att ordna informationen och ange terapi, nagot som kan tillgodoses genom flerledade diagnoser, anser artikelfor-fattaren. Leif Ojesjo ar f n verksam som rättspsykiater i Linköping men han är också knuten till del s k Lundbyprojektet och arbetar på en doktorsavhandling ipsykiatrisk epidemiologi. Linnaeus, Essen-Möller, Ottosson and Perris, all have given important Swedish contributions to the development of psychiatric classification and psychiatric diagnosis. The trend is now away from simple symptom and syndrome diagnoses to operationally defined, multiaxial diagnostic models (Kendell, 1975), necessary as well in the treatment of patients, in day-to-day communication with colleagues as in research, especially in psychiatric epidemiology. There is also a growing awareness of the political implications of the diagnosing process (Miller, 1970).