A cognitive-behavioural model for promoting regular physical activity in older adults

Although a lack of physical activity has been identified as a key health risk factor, the majority of older adults remain sedentary. Activity restriction is often rooted in misconceptions about the ageing process. Many adults believe that physical decrement is inevitable and irreversible with advancing age, i.e. uncontrollable. Thus, motivation is low because it is assumed that exercise will not do any good or may even cause harm. Based on research in the area of cognitive ageing, we propose a model of the relationship between control beliefs and ageing-related decrements, which specifies that interventions to encourage regular physical activity should focus on teaching skills as well as promoting a sense of control. We recommend that cognitive behavioural strategies be used to promote confidence in one's abilities to exercise (self-efficacy), to instil the belief that one's efforts will make a difference (outcome expectations), and to encourage adaptive responses in the face of difficulties (attributions). Future research is needed to operationalize and test the model in the domain of physical activity.