Spirometric function in children of Mexico City compared to Mexican-American children

We set out to describe the pattern of lung function growth in Mexican students from 8-20 years of age, using internationally accepted equipment and methodology, and to compare it to values reported for Mexican-American children. Out of a total of 6,803 students from primary school to high school studied cross-sectionally in the Mexico City metropolitan area, we selected 4,009 asymptomatic, nonobese, nonsmoker subjects to generate spirometric prediction equations. We describe regression equations for the main spirometric variables (log transformed) based on age, height, and weight, and separated for males and females. Spirometric function in the population studied was above that predicted for European (Quanjer et al. [1987] Pediatr Pulmonol 19:135-142) or Mexican-American children, for the same age, height, and gender. On average, forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV(1)) in Mexican children was 9.5% above that of Europeans (Quanjer et al. [1987] Pediatr Pulmonol 19:135-142), 14% and 5% above Hispanics reported by (Coultas et al. [1988] Am Rev Respir Dis 138:1386-1392) and (Hsu et al. [1979] J Pediatr 95:14-23), respectively, and 5% above Mexican-Americans from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey study. Similarly, FVC was 8%, 14%, 8%, and 5.6% above the figures predicted by the same authors. The largest errors of prediction of foreign equations occurred in extremely tall or short subjects, and therefore a single proportional adjustment is unfeasible.
Funding Information
  • National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico