Human Small Breast Epithelial Mucin: The Promise of a New Breast Tumor Biomarker

Breast cancer remains one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers today. In developed countries, one in eight women is expected to present with breast cancer within her lifetime and an estimated 1,000,000 cases are detected each year worldwide (Canadian Cancer Statistics, portal/cit_86751114/14/33/1959864 11niw_stats2004_en.pdf). For women with recurrent disease, the median time of survival is about 2 years. Despite optimal surgery, adjuvant irradiation, hormonal treatment, and chemotherapy, approximately 30% of patients with localized breast cancer finally develop distant metastases. Early detection, which enables intervention at a localized and potentially curable stage, remains a central goal in breast cancer treatment. Indeed, the 5-year survival rate for women with breast cancer has been shown to increase dramatically when the disease is diagnosed at an early stage: from less than 25% in women with disseminated cancer to about 75% in patients with regional disease and over 95% in women with a localized tumor (Breast Cancer Facts and Figures, 2001–2002, 2001.pdf). Unfortunately, only 60% of all breast cancers are diagnosed at a local stage. Any improvement in early detection through identification of tumor biomarkers would have a significant impact on reducing overall breast cancer mortality.