Simulation of Microstructure Development During the Hydration of a Cement Compound

A mathematical model which simulates the development of microstructure during the hydration of tricalcium silicate (C3S) is described. It is part of a program to develop a model which will quantitatively connect variables associated with different observable characteristics in cement‐based systems, from the time of mixing onwards. The core of the model is a mathematical description of all significant aspects of a selected volume of hydrating material. Output is either a numerical description of some aspect of the system or a graphic representation of the microstructure. The model is versatile and interactive and provides the ability to test the consequences of individual hypotheses in a system which has complex interconnected cause‐effect relationships. It has the potential for predicting microstructure and bulk properties resulting from a wide variety of hydration conditions. It might also serve as a prototype for other materials which are formed through reaction bonding of powder compacts, including fired ceramics, chemically bonded ceramics, and products of powder metallurgy.