Phases of attachment, reception or penetration, and eclipse of Type 1 poliovirus infecting HeLa cells in monolayer were studied. Firm attachment was not completely dependent on salt concentration, and was sensitive to temperature change. Like attachment, progressive resistance of adsorbed virus to inactivation by externally applied antibody was temperature-sensitive. Penetration was shown to be independent of physiologic integrity of cells. Virus in process of penetration was not affected by ribonuclease. Eclipse of adsorbed virus was not dependent on metabolic activity or physical integrity of HeLa cells. Debris from poliovirus-susceptible cells inactivated the virus in a manner similar to the kinetic course of virus adsorption by intact cells, and released cell-associated infective virus in similar amounts. All cells insusceptible to poliovirus infection failed to yield active debris. Virus inactivation by debris, like virus reception by intact cells, was temperature-sensitive. Debris could not inactivate virus adsorbed to cells, or alter the progressive incapacity of antibody to neutralize penetrating virus. The active debris factor was insoluble, was not associated with cell nuclei, was inactivated by fat solvents and trypsin treatment, and was destroyed by beat inactivation or sonic disruption. Anti-HeLa serum applied to cells before exposure to virus reduced the rate of virus adsorption, while antiserum treatment immediately following virus adsorption was ineffective. These findings suggested that the capacity of HeLa and other susceptible cells to adsorb, receive, and eclipse poliovirus was associated with organized cytoplasmic lipoprotein structures not possessed by insusceptible cells. The reaction of virus with receptor substance contained in debris was not readily reversed by treatment shown not to affect virus and to destroy activity of uncombined debris. Sensitivity of poliovirus adsorption by HeLa cells to change in environmental salt concentration or temperature was dependent on the method of measurement.